Thursday, June 18, 2009

Conversation Starters

As I get to know people in the city its really funny how you meet someone and they always resort back to the same conversation topics. For example, each of my doormen all have a conversation of choice. Between the weather, Cleveland sports and if I have any packages its nearly impossible to break the conversation cycle.

I will say things such as "How are you today?" or "Whats new" and the response is always in the ballpark of their conversation of choice. "Whats new with you today" I ask. "Just trying to enjoy this weather as much as I can!" Great. More weather conversations to get me absolutely no where.

I ask again, "What are your plans for the weekend?". "Just going to watch the CUBS, you know those Indians aren't doing so great". Wonderful.

Its not just in the building. The deli man, the CVS salesperson, the welcome desk at my gym, they all have their own personal conversation spiel. Its like when your at Texas Roadhouse and your sitting a little too close to the hostess stand and you hear every single person who walks to their table be asked the question "Do you come here often" and you know that the person asking has absolutely no interest if you have ever been there or not. In fact, your kind of insulted because they have been asking you the same question for the last three years once a week. I cant talk to one more person about the weather, its just too boring and rather depressing considering Chicago has had the worse summer weather ever this year.

Next person I speak to because of good manners I am just going to pull out a fold up chair from my purse (I carry a rather large purse) and sit down next to them and tell them to tell me their life story. If they mention weather, sports or the headlines of the Chicago tribune I will taser them and say, try again. I am sure this new tactic will be a good way to make friends in a jiffy!

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